Our Products :
ProInstall :
Automated sensor installation systems increasing the durability and performance of embedded systems on structures or when they are installed during the manufacturing or operations.
The first sensors considered are :
– Fiber optic sensors, such as Bragg gratings or so-called FBGs (Fiber Bragg Grating).
– SolGel based sensors such as ProSCRIBE.
Global Health Management:
Is an assembly of different tools contributing to predictive maintenance implementation, or could be used individually.
They contribute to optimize the maintenance lead time and cost reduction thanks to a set of tools
It is adapted to:
-design – materials & operational context,
-fatigue or accidental damages such as: cracks, delamination, material degradation, corrosion are monitored,
-auto calibration,
-and reliability assessment followed by adjustment when needed, applied on sensors and monitoring devices.
Example of tool: ProSHM-FBG
ProScribe (TRL4):

Detector allowing for example: the detection of corrosion – cracks impacts, allowing the optimization of quality control and maintenance of structure.
Optical waveguides deposited on the surfaces to be controlled or monitored, will themselves be damaged, whose sensitive part is made of a SolGel type material (mixture of Gel and solid elements). Their level of susceptibility to damage is adjusted to the needs of the application context, both in terms of resolution as to the location and characterization of the cause, for example the energy level of an unacceptable impact given the design of the structure.
Defect or damage detection system based on the principle of Shearography (optical system using interferometry), added to an automated diagnosis of the result allowing to control structures in composite materials, metal, wood, plastic… on structures in the course of manufacture or already assembled.
Optical system based on the principle of interferometry whose level of sensitivity and detection performance is adapted to the industrial context.
An image interpretation system is included, allowing automated diagnosis and integration of the system in a manufacturing line.
The system can be mounted on a drone to control areas that are difficult to access, reducing logistics costs.